Sunday, July 3, 2011

This Smells Like Grass Folks

Oh it's a bit hard to take anything terrifically seriously right now. I just found out Ink has achieved its £500 funding request which is totally incredible. So I'm a little tipsy at the news. There's obviously a hundred things about the incredibleness of human nature that I'd like to blog about.

Sadly I can't. Because I found out tonight that my bid to beat hayfever through sheer resilience is never going to pay off. This is obviously gutting. Apparently my body is unable to beat pollen. What kind of a dominant species are we if we can't even beat pollen? It's tiny! And yellow! What yellow things have ever conquered the world? None. Romans? Wore red. Transformers? Bumble Bee got smashed. Donovan? Mellow yellow sucked.

So I am furious. Basically this conversation came about because I revealed I can't afford to buy hayfever medication and so I am trying to beat it solo. Not possible according to my medical friend who told me the history of histamines and said I was doomed.

It's left me terribly bereft. In the past I have thought that were I marooned on a desert island my biggest issue would be whether or not I had tweezers to keep my eyebrows at bay. Now, I'm faced with the concept that abandonment would mean a lifetime of sneezing, puffy eyes and a raspy throat. Not ideal. I will never compete with Evangeline Lily.

So I don't really know what to do. The human race has been defeated by flower spunk.

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