Friday, August 9, 2013

A Quick Sit & Think

I've been up at the Edinburgh Fringe for about 10 days now... I've done 26 gigs myself, seen 8 shows and cried at that infuriatingly comforting SMA advert on several occasions despite not having any children of my own.

Seems like a good time for a few reflections.

1. It doesn't matter how much of a good time I'm ever having, I am looking forward to Christmas.

2. The number of gigs you can do in a day up here at the Fringe is mind blowing - I have developed more new material in the last week than in the last 8 months combined. It's been a tough year getting gigs on the circuit and to suddenly be inundated with opportunities is the best thing you could ask for.

3. I love bacon and any meal that includes bacon. Some days I need bacon and those days are best started with bacon.

My aims for this trip up here were:

1. To gig as much as possible to really polish my act for the rest of the year.
2. To try and get to know other comics a bit better - it's the part I find most awkward and feel like such a nob.
3. To be more forthright in getting into showcase shows and contacting promoters.
4. To decrease my dependancy on bacon.

I'd say thus far that 3 out of 4 of them are going pretty well.

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